Tuesday, April 24, 2007

"Gratitude Becomes Us"

I appreciated this statement from Charles Spurgeon's sermon entitled "Unconditional Surrender". It's what I needed to hear when I was a younger teenager who was rather ungrateful for the way God made me, the things I had and the family I was born into. (And what I need to hear now too!):

"Have you accepted your position in the scale of worldly wealth? Are you satisfied to be sickly, obscure or of small ability? Are God's appointments your contentments? Too many professors [professing believers] are quarreling with God that they are not other than they are. This is evil, and shows that pride is still in their hearts, for were they conscious of their own deserts they would know that anything short of hell is more than we deserve, and as long as we are not in the pit of torment gratitude becomes us."
If only I always realized how unworthy I am - I should never complain. To think of what manner of love the Father has given to us that we should be called children of God! He has given us so much! And the things we don't understand, the things that are hard, He has designed with love far greater than we can imagine. Ingratitude from the redeemed is unfitting. Gratitude becomes us.

"Submit yourselves therefore to God"

- James 4:7 ESV

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Blogger Kaylene said...

MM..wow... GREAT thoughts, and SO convicting. Sometimes I can be SO unappreciative of what Christ gave His LIFE for. By doing so, He gave me the life that I now live in freedom from the bondage of sin and the privilege to serve Him! I didn't deserve anything and He has given me everything. everything thats best for me that is. When will I ever fully focus on the picture? Its like a circle- Our aim ought to be to glorify God and as we are successful in that our life becomes one of joy no matter the circumstances! Thank you, Thank you for sharing this!

4/26/2007 3:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beautiful post! What a joyous read!
Thank you!

And the picture in your header is really pretty!

5/07/2007 9:09 PM  

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